GATE 2016 Mtech Admission Status

Hi there,

I have secured AIR 103  in GATE ECE 2016.I have lately received queries from many asking me to post about the courses in have applied for.

I have applied for Mtech admission at following IITs.I belong to OBC category.

UPDATE: I have cancelled my offers from IISc and IITB.I have decided to purse a career in VLSI Design by taking M.Tech Microelectronics and VLSI at IIT Madras.

1.IISc Bangalore

My preference order:

  1. Microelectronic Systems
  2. DESE
  3. Communication and Networks
  4. Signal processing

I got offer letter for  Communication and Networks in the first list which was published on April 7th..Also received interview call from DESE.

Fee : Rs. 59,900 to be paid.

Update: I declined the offer for Communication and Networks on MAY 23.

2.IIT Bombay

My preference order:

  1. Microelectronics 
  2. Electronic System Design
  3. Communication Engineering

I got Microelectronics in the first list which was published in April 14th.

Fee : Rs. 28,900 to be paid for confirmation of seat allotted.

3.IIT Madras

I couldn't attend TI sponsored MS test/Interview.

My preference order:

  1. Microelectronics and VLSI Design (EE3Y)
  2. Communication Engineering (EE1Y)

The first list was published on MAY 14 and I got EE1 my second option.I have rejected the offer and requested for upgrade.

Update: I got allotted in Microelectronics and VLSI design  in the second round which was published on 22nd MAY. (Only 14 seats are there.)

Fee: Rs.17,963 to be paid for accept and freeze / accept and upgrade.Also additional hostel fees of Rs.20,150 needs to be paid later.


4.IIT Kharagpur

My preference order:

  1. Microelectronics and VLSI
  2. Communication Engineering
  3. Control engineering

The first list came on MAY 2nd.I got my first option there as well.I rejected the offer.

5.IIT Delhi

My preference order:

  1. Integrated Electronics and Circuits
  2. VLSI Design Tools and Technology
The cut off scores were 800 ,though I was eligible i could not attend the interview on MAY 17th  & 18th.
 Check out the interview experience of my friend who got selected there.





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